Practical Tips for Event Preparation
We all know that you need good organisation skills to deliver a seamless event. But even some of the most experienced event managers can forget the obvious and overlook the necessary sometimes.
To make sure that you never omit the most important details we’ve put together a list of practical tips for event preparation that no manager should be without:
1. Work out your itinerary
Every manager in charge of putting on an event should know the order of business on that day backwards, forwards and upside down. They should have everything listed, in order, so they know the times, the places and who is coming.
2. Know your vendors
Make sure you have all your vendor’s details including email and addresses. Keep them handy in a notebook and once the event has finished you can transfer the useful companies into a general file for future use.
3. Visit the venue / location
You cannot expect to throw an amazing event without visiting the prospective venues. Try and visit the venue at the same time as you are holding the event. This enables you to make note of the traffic, any congestion, any problems with school’s emptying and other obstacles.
4. Check the fire drills and emergency exits
Attendees at your event are your responsibility. This means that their health and safety is in your hands. Make sure you know where the emergency exits are and where you should be heading if the fire bell rings. You should also have a reliable head count before and during the event, so you’ll know immediately if someone is missing.
5. Have a contingency plan for everything that can go wrong
Do you know what you would do if someone had a heart-attack at your event? How about if a child went missing? It is not being dramatic to think of every scenario that could go wrong and put practises in place, should they happen.
6. Check parking availability
It is common to book the venue and then forget all about parking. If the venue does not have its own parking spaces then you’ll have to look around for national or private carparks.
7. First-aiders
It doesn’t matter how many people are attending your event, you should always have a first-aider present for any emergencies. Some people have already got a first-aider qualification so it is worth asking the question. If not, get someone trained up.
8. Check you have the right licenses
If you don’t have the right licenses on the day or night your event is planned then all your hard work will go to waste. You should make checking which licenses you need one of your top priorities. And don’t think it is just an alcohol license that is required, consider things like music, food and even using public land.
9. Check for dietary requirements
Allergies are not just a case of someone feeling a little sick. They can be fatal if the allergy is serious. Know your guests and which ones have specific dietary requirements. Then make sure you have passed this information onto your caterers.
10. Noise
Be mindful of the noise the event will generate not just during but as people leave. This is particularly important if your venue is a local hall surrounded by residents. If the event is likely to last through the night it might be worth getting in touch with the local council for some guidance
We hope these practical tips help with organising your next spectacular event! If you need to rent chairs or any other equipment, get in touch with Yahire!