Five of the Best Ways to Create Events with Purpose
Clients and audiences no longer look for a run of the mill event that simply sells products or advertises services. These days they want events with purpose.
As consumer attitudes change and evolve, so should current events reflect this. Nowadays consumers want an authentic experience that speaks to their values and passions. Trends such as environmental causes and rejecting consumerism are leading to a shift of consciousness. But if you are an event manager how can you create events with purpose and not alienate your audience?
Putting on events that celebrate what consumers are gravitating towards is key. However, doing it in a genuine way that raises awareness will also win over clients.
Here are our suggestions for creating events with purpose:
1. Showcase your green credentials
At any event, you have an opportunity to raise awareness of the environment, whether this is your chosen topic or not. There are tons of ways you can do this. Consider emailing invites instead of posting, and installing recycling bins at the event and pointing them out. Likewise, instead of using freshly cut flowers put mini trees or shrubs on table tops so that clients can take them home and plant them. Ask the chefs who are catering to source only ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables when they are providing the meals. Finally, don’t give clients gift bags, instead give your guests a brown paper bag and take them along to a farmer’s market instead to fill it up.
2. Involve minority groups
It is important not just to talk the talk but to also walk it, and events are where your visitors can see exactly who you are hiring. Show them that you support minority groups such as female-lead businesses by hiring them, it’s as simple as that. You don’t have to make a song and dance about it. And don’t fall into stereotypical traps of hiring certain genders in demeaning roles. Put minorities in top positions and showcase their expertise.
3. Use current technology
Technology has moved on in the last few years, so make sure you use it to full advantage. No one wants to sit through a boring PowerPoint display. Instead, why not give your guests a virtual reality tour or hand them all tablets with interactive touchscreens and let them go wandering off on their own. Using the latest technology brings current data to life and adds interest, so think outside the norm. For instance, popping Go Pro cameras onto volunteers can allow live streaming to your event.
4. Think about original spaces
All events start off with the venue, and typically it is a windowless room in some boring conference hall. It doesn’t inspire creativity, interest or passion for what is coming next. Look around your local vicinity and allow it to inspire you. Is there an art gallery that could be hired, a local café or other commercial spaces that are more modern? Think about taking your event outside and hiring unusual areas such as farms or sports arenas or anywhere near water. Water is said to elicit favourable reactions from guests. So introducing them to space where it is prevalent can only serve to get your message across.
5. Final thoughts
Nowadays people are turning their backs on higher wages for a simpler lifestyle that allows them more time with their families and a better work/life balance. It’s important to remember that customers are aware of multinational companies and where their ethics lie and are starting to reject them. As such, events need to show this change of consciousness and reflect back what the consumer is feeling. Events need to be smarter and to target this growing wave of consumer awareness.