When it comes to hosting an event many people get so involved in the speakers, the merchandise and the guest list that they overlook the decorations. Decorating your event might seem a little trivial but it is the first thing your guests will see when they walk into the venue so it is vital that [...]
Now that the weather has finally heated up and we are all basking in the dappling sunshine, thoughts turn to al fresco dining. There is something about eating outdoors, whether it be an impromptu barbeque or a planned picnic, fresh air and food just seem to go together so well. If you’re the type of [...]
There’s nothing quite like a picnic on a warm summer day, but what makes a great one? Food and drink that have been paired to perfection. Most people focus on just providing the food for a picnic, but with some canny pairings with thirst-quenching drinks, you can elevate your picnic to the extraordinary. Here are [...]
There is nothing more pleasurable than al-fresco dining, or celebrating an important event outdoors in the fresh air. The problem with planning an outdoor event in the UK is that the weather does not always play ball. So all your best plans and intentions can be ruined with just one downpour. To make sure your [...]
If you are planning a summer wedding and your guest list is ever-expanding, you might be wondering the best way to provide food for those you have invited. Warm weather does not lend itself to serving food as you have to ensure that everything is kept cool and refrigerated. The first thing you should consider [...]
For the majority of us, the hot weather is an absolute joy. After months of rain and grey vistas, us Brits are waking up to azure blue skies and temperatures reaching the thirties. But not everyone loves the heat. The very young, the elderly and the sick can especially suffer when the mercury rises. With [...]
We are super excited to announce Yahire have been chosen to be the SquareMeal exhibitions furniture supplier, Yahire are also be the sponsors of the illustrious Canape cup, which chooses which top caterer deserves the trophy for the most creative and scrumptious canape 2017. SquareMeal is one of the very biggest events in the #eventprofs [...]
To be a successful event manager you need a special set of skills. You have to be able to multi-task, be a great organiser, have lots of energy, be flexible to last minute changes and have good communication skills. Whilst some people can learn these skills, others were born with them and are natural event [...]
If you have been tasked with the role of best man, there are certain tasks that are designated to you and you alone. One of the most important things a best man has to do is deliver the best man’s speech at the wedding reception. If you are unaccustomed to speaking in public you’ll probably [...]
Getting the right venue for your event is paramount, but this is especially important for tech events. Event managers have to make sure that the venue offers the right space, the best equipment and that it can provide the perfect backdrop for whatever you are showcasing. Thankfully London has some of the best venues when [...]