2020 Expert’s Event Trends Report every Event Manager should read
Every year the top dogs in the event industry get together to publish the 2020 Expert’s Event Trends Report. Want to know the big trends in the event industry in 2020? We’ve taken the top trends from this report to compile a list of the top 2020 expert’s event trends.
2020 Expert’s Event Trends
‘Come one, come all’ is the new mantra for 2020 events. But it’s not about inviting as many different people as you can. The focus is on making people feel welcome, included, safe and part of a wider community.
One way to achieve this is to concentrate on your target audience. For example, children. How do you enable all kinds of children to attend your event? Think about autistic kids and having a separate ‘quiet space’ away from the main action. Set up a ‘sensory area’ for disabled children so they can experience your event as well. Organise a crèche for the little ones so parents can bring older children. Have a dedicated feeding area for nursing mums.
Here are some real-life examples
At the Umbrella Café, the owners take donated, leftover and overstocked food. They create a three-course menu for their supper club where people can come along and leave a donation in an envelope.
Matt Hardwick helped set up London Gaymers to bridge the gap between the LGBT communities and the gaming scene.
“There are LGBT spaces and there are gaming spaces, but there were no spaces for that crossover, and that is ultimately why the group started and why the group exists,” says co-founder Matt Hardwick.
But it wasn’t just about finding a niche in the market.
“Online gaming can be quite toxic at the best of times, so it was important to create a space where you can play with other people in the same minority as you and not be subject to abuse and harassment,” he says.
When Joaquin Phoenix uses his BAFTA speech to talk about diversity in the film industry, all industries should take note.
Diversity isn’t about pushing people from minorities into roles they’re not qualified for. First, it’s about trying to ensure a level playing field for everyone. Second, it’s about having a true representation of society.
Look proactively for disabled keynote speakers, or speakers from minority backgrounds. When you think about minority don’t just think of colour or race. Consider gender and religion.
Publish a code of conduct that encourages and promotes diversity. In other words, make it clear for promoters and advertisers what your positive stance is regarding diversity.
Earth matters
It’s not surprising that climate change is at the forefront of the event manager’s minds. It is one of our biggest challenges and threats to the planet. Events can’t just add a few recycling bins at exits and entrances. They have to be serious about the earth, otherwise, people are going to turn off.
In fact, making sure your event ticks every environmentally-friendly box is essential to securing good ticket sales.
How do you do this? Don’t just ban plastics, offer long-lasting alternatives. Sell affordable travel coffee cups or reusable water bottles. Allow customers to buy tickets online and enter the event using a device. Put on transport like a minibus for elderly or under a certain age. Use venues that are good at recycling.
The focus is on personal wellness in 2020, but it’s not all about physical health. The emphasis is to reconnect with an old hobby that brings you into contact with likeminded people. Loneliness is a big problem all over the world.
“It’s about mental health as much as it is physical health. Runners meet people with common interests and have an opportunity to reconnect with nature. They are usually looking at the scenery, not worrying about their time..” – Rodger Wilkins of Love Trail Running
Finally, the last of our 2020 expert’s event trends will see the reopening quirky and unloved spaces and giving them back to the community. Organisers want to see places that have been derelict or abandoned for decades repurposed and given a new lease of life.
Think of it as the ultimate in recycling, but this time it is space, areas and buildings. The main is to make good use of these areas which are unloved and allow the local area to benefit from them.