How To Create An Epic Halloween Party On A Budget
Whether you’re a big kid or not, you’re probably past trick or treating this Halloween, so why don’t you throw a party instead? Halloween is the perfect excuse for getting all your friends together, playing games, watching scary films and celebrating the dead. And who can say no to a bit of punch? We think Halloween is awesome, so here’s how to create an epic Halloween party on a budget. And let’s not forget to make it just as good as Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
Invitations – Make sure you give your friends plenty of notice when you’re planning your Halloween party. It’s very likely that there will be a number of parties happening over Halloween weekend and in the week leading up to 31st October, so making your guests aware of a date well in advance is a must if you want anyone to turn up. Perhaps consider an RSVP when inviting your guests so you know who is coming and who’s not. There is still a certain pizzazz to hand-written invitations, but if you don’t have the time then this is all made easier by creating a Facebook event of course.
Setting the scene – This is possibly the most important aspect of your party and the most fun. Think of it like decorating your Christmas tree, you need the lights, hanging decorations and swap the tinsel for cobwebs. Here’s a tip for making spooky stairs for your front entrance. Use glow in the dark paint and pour it along the verge so it drips down, slime green or blood red works the best. Stay away from slippery products like gel-based or oily liquids, unless you want to prank your guests, then its fine. Water paint is easily washed away and just as effective.
Theme – This is not essential, but can bring your party to life. There are many themes to choose from like the traditional zombies, aliens and haunted house. Or for those more eccentric of you there’s Harry Potter, Disney or even Twilight.
Music – The right music is vital to having an epic party and there are no end of Halloween party classics, from the Ghostbusters theme song to Thriller and much more. Such is the power of the internet, there are thousands of party playlists available to download. If you’re looking for a more modern mix with eerie club classics then this list of spooky pop songs could help. Here’s a list of our favourite Halloween songs for your playlist:
Kanye West – ‘Monster’
Bobby Boris Pickett & the Crypt-Kickers – ‘Monster Mash’
The Weeknd – ‘Wicked Games’ ‘Often’
Rockwell – ‘Somebody’s watching me’ (Beatfreakz remixed this in 2009 if you prefer a more upbeat version)
Whodini – ‘Freaks come out at night’
The Ramones – ‘Pet Semetary’
Rihanna – ‘Disturbia’
The Specials – ‘Ghost Town’
Stevie Wonder – ‘Superstition’
Screamin’ Jay Hawkins – ‘I put a spell on you’
Beyoncé – ‘Crazy in Love (Fifty Shades remix)
Ne-Yo – ‘Beautiful Monster’
MC Hammer – ‘Addams family Groove’
Rick James – ‘Superfreak’
Drinks – You can operate a full bar with the help of YaHire as we offer mobile bar hire for as little as £89.99. So save yourself from overpriced crammed clubs and bring the bar to your house this Halloween. Along with the bar we have lots of barware accessories to help you serve the most devilish of drinks. Excuse the pun, (but I couldn’t resist) who you gonna call? YaHire!
Movies – There may be thousands of Halloween songs to choose from, but there are only a handful of truly great Halloween movies to watch on All Hallows Eve. Right, here are our top 3:
1. Hocus Pocus is an absolute kid’s classic and all-round favourite.
2. Scream is a scary movie classic with a decent serving of jumpiness and an equally genius plotline.
3. Beetlejuice is the feel-good whacky cousin of all horror movies, Tim Burton’s classic is a must for your party.
Games – Apple bobbing is every Halloween party favourite, mix it up by swapping water for cider and apples for strawberries. Who can beat a bit of hide and seek! This nostalgia-fuelled throwback will have you giggling like a little kid in no time. Twister is the perfect party palaver, especially if you’re guests need a quick introduction, what better way to meet new people than in a flustered heap on the floor.
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